
Airbrush kulmuhooldus / Airbrush brow treatment 60 minutes

Price: €40



Airbrush kulmuvärvimise tehnika võimaldab luua ühtlast värvi hajutamist kulmude alguses, luues nii ihaldatud ombre efekti, täpsed kaared ja silmnähtavalt ühtlased kulmud. Hoolduse käigus valmistatakse kulmud ette, asetatakse kulmudele šabloonid ja pihustatakse airbrush spreiga kulmudele sobilik värv. Seejärel modelleeritakse kulmud vaha ja pintsetidega, lõpetuseks lantakse nahale rahustav seerum ja kaitsekreem ning viimistletakse kulmud vastavalt vajadusele.

Airbrush coloring technique allows for even color blending at the beginning of the brows, creating the desired ombre effect, precise arches, and visibly uniform eyebrows. During the treatment, the eyebrows are prepared, templates are applied to the brows, and the appropriate color is sprayed onto the brows using airbrush spray. Then, the eyebrows are sculpted with wax and tweezers, followed by the application of a soothing serum and protective cream on the skin, and finally, the eyebrows are finished according to needs.