See Sothys glükool- ja salitsüülhapet sisaldav näohooldus eemaldab nahalt ebatäiused, annab kohese sära, silub ja muudab jume ühtlasemaks.
Ekspress 45 minutit kestev näohooldus eemaldab nahalt ebatäiused, annab kohese sära, silub ja muudab jume ühtlasemaks. Hooldus sisaldab puhastamist, koorimist ning naha rahustamist ja kaitsmist.
Pikk 60 minutit kestev näohooldus sisaldab naha puhastamist, koorimist, vajadusel üksikute komedoonide eemaldamist, rahustavat seerumit kerge massaaziga, näomaski ja kaitsvat kreemi.
Täispikk 70 minutit kestev näohooldus sisaldab naha puhastamist, koorimist, komedoonide eemaldamist, rahustavat seerumit kerge massaaziga, näomaski ja kaitsvat kreemi.
Peale Glysalac peel hooldust tuleb kaitsta naha päikese eest.
This Sothys facial treatment with glycolic and salicylic acid removes imperfections from the skin, gives an immediate shine, smoothes and smoothes the complexion.
45-minute express facial treatment removes imperfections from the skin, gives an immediate shine, smoothes and smoothes the complexion. The treatment includes cleansing, peeling, soothing and protecting the skin.
A 60-minute long facial treatment includes skin cleansing, exfoliation, removal of individual comedones if necessary, soothing serum with a light massage, face mask, and protective cream.
A full 70-minute facial treatment includes skin cleansing, exfoliation, comedone removal, soothing serum with a light massage, face mask and protective cream. After the Glysalac peel treatment, the skin must be protected from the sun.
After Glysalac peel care, the skin should be protected from the sun.